The volume, which contains the narrative and cataloging of the best projects and activities carried out in 2022 at the Rome University of Fine Arts, is presented as a black edge painted block decorated on the cover with silver signs and symbols taken from details of the inner pages (images, typefaces, pictorial lines of the illustrations and data visualizations). The content is told from an analytical perspective where photography, illustration and typography become tools of investigation rather than narrative, of exploration rather than discovery. The layout and typesetting characterised by the choice of a single font, Tipiblu’s Sempione Grotesk for C-a-s-t foundry, take their inspiration from the graphic layout of medical x-rays. The photographic project presents some of the daily protagonists of the classes and internal offices in a taxonomic way and by the use of synecdoche. The 4-coloured illustrations and monochrome infographics alternate between the storytelling of qualitative data according to a human-centered approach and the rational visualization of quantitative data. The alternation of different media of representation, stabilized by a selective choice of colours and typographic elements, becomes a reflection for a slow and articulate reading of the complexity of contemporaneity within the academic and artistic context

CREDITS Editorial project GUIDO LOMBARDO CRISTIANA PAGNOTTELLI / Content supervisor FABIO MONGELLI / Design Intorno Design • GUIDO LOMBARDO (creative direction), DAVIDE LUCCINI (graphic design, layout and typesetting), FRANCESCO P. INCANTALUPO (data visualization), FEDERICO MAUTI (dataviz assistant), DAVIDE PAOLINI (graphic design assistant), ALESSANDRO ZINGONE (graphic design assistant) / Producer CRISTIANA PAGNOTTELLI / Illustrations FRANCESCO FIDANI, GIULIA D’ANDREA (erasmus page illustration), ITALO MARIA MELUZZI (draft assistant), OLIVIA GAONE (color assistant) / Photo section STEFANO COMPAGNUCCI, MARIA VITTORIA PECCHIOLI, CHRISTIAN RIZZO / Text Editor ALESSANDRA GIACOMELLI / Contents translator CLAUDIA VITALI / Visual Content Editors LISA ROMANATO, BEATRICE VIO-GENOVA / Photo contributors CLAUDIA ROLANDO, MARTA FERRO / Thanks to All RUFA offices / Typeface SEMPIONE Tipiblu, 2009-2019 CAST / Printed on FAVINI PAPERS www.favini.com • Dolce Vita White 120 g/m2 (pages) Tokyo light grey 350 g/m2 (cover) Tokyo black 120 g/m2 (jacket) / Printing TIBURTINI SRL www.tiburtini.it / Shooting book CLAUDIA ROLANDO, MARTA FERRO / The RUFA Annual Report 2022 has been organized thanks to the precious contributions of Favini papers division and Tiburtini Srl, who have respectively provided the paper and printed the publication.